Website Design System: Color

magic of css

CSS colors can be as bright and warm as a pair of Christmas socks ...

Hexadecimal(HEX), RGB, and HSL warm color examples

HEX #ff0000

RGB (100, 0, 0)

HSL (0, 100, 50)
HEX #ff7f00

RGB (100, 49.8, 0)

HSL (30, 100, 50)
HEX #ff007f

RGB (100, 0, 49.8)

HSL (330, 100, 50)
HEX #fff000

RGB (100, 94.1, 0)

HSL (56, 100, 50)

...or they can be as cool as winter's frost on trees.

magic of css

Hexadecimal(HEX), RGB, and HSL cool color examples

HEX #3944bc

RGB (57, 68, 188)

HSL (235, 53, 48)
HEX #8f00ff

RGB (143, 0, 255)

HSL (274, 100, 50)
HEX #3cb043

RGB (60, 176, 67)

HSL (124, 49, 46)
HEX #3a5311

RGB (58, 83, 17)

HSL (83, 66, 20)